How to
How to Feed Panda Shitieshou in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Feed the adorable panda demon and get a reward!
Shitieshou are a cute pacific demon you can find in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. These small creatures resemble panda cubs and can be found in many of the game’s Battlefields.
When you find a Shitieshou, make sure to feed it various items to get a reward. You will also get a trophy or achievement for feeding your first Shitieshou, as well as for feeding all 23 Shitieshou in the game.
Now, let’s go over how to feed the Shitieshou in Wo Long!
Feeding the Panda Shitieshou in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
First off, you will need to find a Shitieshou. There are a total of 23 Shitieshou in the game, spread throughout all of the Battlefields.
Those who’ve played previous Team Ninja games should notice that the Shitieshou are functionally like the Sudama from Nioh 2.
When you’ve found one of the Shitieshou, get close to it. It’s peaceful and will do no harm, but it also won’t flee when you approach it.
Next, go to your menu and open your Inventory. You will now need to look for a suitable item. Known feedable items currently include the following:
- Any smithing material
- Any piece of equipment
- Elixirs
It is recommended to use an unwanted piece of equipment or low-level smithing materials.
Once you find a suitable item, select it and choose the Drop option. If you dropped a suitable item, the Shitieshou will consume it. Then, it will drop a reward for you and scurry away into the nearby bamboo.
That’s all you need to know about feeding the Shitieshou pandas! Make sure to do this for every panda you find as the rewards are worthwhile.