How to
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get Horklump Juice for Wiggenweld Potion
What’s the science in wizardry? Potion making!
Potion-making is one of the most important fields that you have to learn and master in your journey as a student at Hogwarts Legacy.
Each potion has a different purpose from the other, and you can learn all potions by acquiring their recipes and collecting the necessary ingredients.
One such potion is the Wiggenweld potion which requires Horklump Juice as its main ingredient. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the ingredient so you can start brewing.
What is the Wiggenweld Potion
The Wiggenweld potion is one of the basic potions that you will discover while playing Hogwarts Legacy.
During the early game, the Wiggenweld potion is very handy as it heals you from all the injuries that you have received and recovers stamina during battle.
Aside from that, it can also reverse the effect of all sleeping potions.
To brew this potion, you must first progress the main story quests until you reach the Potion Class part of the story. Once you reach this, you will get to unlock the Potions Station where you can create your own potions.
To successfully brew the very precious Wiggenweld Potions, you must collect the following ingredients:
- 1x Horklump Juice
- 1x Dittany Leaves
Where to Get Horklump Juice for the Wiggenweld Potion
Source: FP Good Game
To get Horklump Juice, simply head over to Hogsmeade. Once you get there, look for J. Pippin’s Potion store.
Source: FP Good Game
Inside the shop, you will see several potion recipes and ingredients that you might need in the future. Aside from that, you can also buy the Horklump Juice from him.
Once you have everything that you need, go back to Professor Sharp’s Potion Classroom or to your own brewing station in the Rooms of Requirement to finally brew your potion.
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